Challenge Rugby

Rugby is well known for its ability to affect lives of youth for the better. So, in communities where there is a lack of facilities and adult guidance to whom youth can turn, building rugby teams offers an unrivaled opportunity to bring youth together, with qualified adults, to build character and improve their physical and mental well-being.The Belize Rugby Football Union wishes to engage with youth in such circumstances, using a programme based on the five core values of rugby (Respect, Passion, Integrity, Teamwork and Discipline), to build teams and organize community-based competitions.The ultimate objective is to encourage the youth to join a local district rugby club, perhaps even the youth national rugby team, and go compete in the Olympics. Essentially, we want to help youth, through sport, to become well balanced, disciplined, reliable individuals ready to help build their communities in which they live.
¿En qué fase está tu propuesta?
Implementation / On the market
¿En qué categoría quieres inscribir tu idea?
Describe la necesidad o problema que deseas abordar
Lack of sporting options that focus on and develop youth as individuals, with the aim of building character that enables options for their future to be contributing members of their communities.
¿Cuál es el principal producto o servicio que ofrecerás?
Coaching of rugby; developing local teams; organising competitive games.
Describe brevemente la comunidad o población que se beneficiará de tu solución y de cómo planeas involucrarlos en el proyecto
All youth across the country. We are already in many communities, we are planning on broadening our reach through community youth groups, schools and youth movements.
¿Tiene tu propuesta un modelo de negocio (es decir, una estrategia para generar ingresos)? Por favor describe
No, other than through ticketed games, as we offer free coaching classes and training sessions.
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Regístrate o ingresa para ayudar a Tony Gillings a mejorar su propuesta.

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Dear Tony! Thankyou for submitting this great proposal. Sports and entertainment are great ways of changing young persons lifes. I am writting as a mentor, my role is to better understand your proposal so that information and details are available for evaluation phase. Can you explain to me the way that you approach communities? How do you identifiy people that are enrolled in your program? Do you have a campus or a base camp? why would you consider your proposal to be innovative and how is it different to other sports inicatives that function in Belize? I believe a great challenge sports iniciatives for youth face is the susteinability. Since this open call is for business models, can you please go deep on how your team has thought of making this iniciative sustainable? how do you pretend to get income that will guarantee costs and persons will be paid?
hace 4 años
Hi Andres, We are already working in communities, but we are all volunteers - nobody gets paid for this work right now and that's the beauty of it - people get involved with rugby clubs because they love the ethos - RESPECT, DISCIPLINE, SOLIDARITY, PASSION and INTEGRITY - which permeates through the sport and those involved. We work with youth who, through no fault of their own, don't have mentors, don't have adults to look up too for encouragement and support. We form rugby clubs that are managed by the youth, that are built around them and their needs. Then we instill those five core values and work them hard in training sessions to form teams. Through this, they begin to understand their roles in their families and their communities and gradually implement those values into their lives. They form life-long friendships, understand the value of camaraderie and respect for each other because, to be a rugby player, you have to know and appreciate the value of those around you.
hace 4 años
My little cousin plays rugby but i didn't know it was something expanding country wide. I fully support this initiative.
hace 4 años

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